Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Sacrament Of Reconciliation

Define the word Reconciliation
1. To re-establish  close relationship
2. To settle or resolve
3. To restore a friendship or harmony

Four things must happen when we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
1. We must truly feel sorry for our sins.
2. We must confess out sins to a priest
3. We must be willing to make amends dfrom hard made when we sinned
4. We must receive absolution and forgiveness from the priest.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation includes the following steps:
1. Examination of Conscience
2. Confession of sins
3. Receive Penance
4. Pray the Act of Contrition
5. Receive Absolution
Examination of Conscience
Take time and think about ways you have hurt your relationship with God by sinning. Think about all the bad things you have done and reflect on how you can improve yourself in the future.
What happens during Confession?
When it is time for Reconciliation you will:
1. Enter the confessional and kneel or sit
2. Bless yourself with the Sign of the Cross and say, "Bless me, Father for i have sinned." State how long has it been since your last confession.
3. The priest may read a passage from the Bible.
4. The priest will ask you to confess your sins.
5. THe priest will give you your penance (usually prayers or actions you must do).
6. The priest will invite you to pray the Act of Contrition.
7. The priest says a prayer, and in the name of Jesus, absolves your sins.
8. Thank the priest and leave the confessional.
9. Do your penance as soon as you can.

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