Tuesday, June 18, 2013


1. What makes people want to say sorry?

People feel quilts about what they have done and feel bad for the people effected by their actions. 

2. How is the sacrament reconciliation a celebration?

You are celebrating God forgiving your sins.

3. Name some selfish attitudes which lead to selfish actions that might be confessed, for example, greed leads to stealing.

Gossiping leads to untrue rumours
Jealousy leads to back stabbing

4. List the feelings associated with sin and its consequences (e.g: guilt, alienation, loneliness) 


5. What are some of the consequences of sin?

Separation form your loved ones
Sin can be harmful to others

6. Does everyone have a conscience? What is it?

Yes, a conscience is what makes you think twice abut your actions before you do so.

7. Suggest three questions that would help someone to examine his or her conscience? 

• what are the consequences for me?
• How will this effect someone else?
• would God approve of this

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