Tuesday, June 4, 2013


What is the definition of Pentecost?

Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian church by the power of the Holy Spirit. Pentecost means "fiftieth day" and is celebrated fifty days after Easter.

When was Pentecost first celebrated (which century?)

The first Pentecost was celebrated 50 days after Easter. The scripture says he came down in a fire and the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Who / what is the Holy Spirit?

It is believed to be the love between God and Jesus.

What happened at Pentecost?

Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the twelve apostles, Jesus' mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like that of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads. This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the prophet Joel. The disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach with boldness and vigour, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in the native languages of the people present, many who had come from all corners of the Roman Empire. This created a sensation. The apostle Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them about Jesus' death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins. The result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day

What part of the year is Pentecost celebrated?

50 days after Easter.

What is Jesus really saying to the folks here - John's Gospel (20:19-23). It tells of a visit of the Risen Christ to the disciples huddled in fear. "Peace be with you," Jesus says. "As the Father sent me, so I am sending you." After saying this, Jesus breathed on them and added, "Receive the Holy Spirit." The breath, the life, of Jesus himself. We are God-breathed. Pentecost celebrates that reality.

It is Jesus giving the Holy Spirit to the disciples. The Holy Spirit is the love between God and Jesus, meaning Jesus is giving his love.

What seems to happen when people allow this divine Spirit to energize them?

Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness and self-control.

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