Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Catholic Church in Australia 1788

http://www.timetoast.com/timelines/arrival-of-religions-in-Australia - Arrival of Religions in Australia Timeline/Text View


1788- First Fleet - English soldiers and convicts, mostly Church of England, with some Irish
Catholics - Church of England Chaplain Rev. Richard Johnson. Presbyterians also present.


Ethnic Composition of the Australian People (per cent)

Ethnic Origin178718461861189119471988
Other European-
Nos (000's)50048413283275764016300

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Healing Bible Stories

LUKE 6:6-11 - Story 4

What happens in the story?
In this story a man appears before Jesus on a Sabbath, a day as foretold in the 10 comandments as a day of rest. The man needed care and Jesus shows compassion and strength to heal the man, regardless of the Pharisees perspective of him.

What kind of healing does Jesus offer the sick person?
He physically heals the man.

What does it tell us about Jesus?
It tells us that he is compassionate and puts others before himself. He does not let the judgemental opinions of others control his actions.

LUKE 13:10 -7 - Story 1

What happens in the story?
Jesus again heals on a Sabbath, infuriating and creating testimony against the Synagogue. He heals the women of her suffering despite their views towards him.

What kind of healing does Jesus offer the sick person?
He physically and spiritually heals the woman.

What does it tell us about Jesus?
Again, he is not affected by the opinions of those who despise him.

MATTHEW 9:1-8 - Story

What happens in the story?

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Confession Story Board

The Sacrament Of Reconciliation

Define the word Reconciliation
1. To re-establish  close relationship
2. To settle or resolve
3. To restore a friendship or harmony

Four things must happen when we receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation:
1. We must truly feel sorry for our sins.
2. We must confess out sins to a priest
3. We must be willing to make amends dfrom hard made when we sinned
4. We must receive absolution and forgiveness from the priest.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation includes the following steps:
1. Examination of Conscience
2. Confession of sins
3. Receive Penance
4. Pray the Act of Contrition
5. Receive Absolution
Examination of Conscience
Take time and think about ways you have hurt your relationship with God by sinning. Think about all the bad things you have done and reflect on how you can improve yourself in the future.
What happens during Confession?
When it is time for Reconciliation you will:
1. Enter the confessional and kneel or sit
2. Bless yourself with the Sign of the Cross and say, "Bless me, Father for i have sinned." State how long has it been since your last confession.
3. The priest may read a passage from the Bible.
4. The priest will ask you to confess your sins.
5. THe priest will give you your penance (usually prayers or actions you must do).
6. The priest will invite you to pray the Act of Contrition.
7. The priest says a prayer, and in the name of Jesus, absolves your sins.
8. Thank the priest and leave the confessional.
9. Do your penance as soon as you can.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


1. What makes people want to say sorry?

People feel quilts about what they have done and feel bad for the people effected by their actions. 

2. How is the sacrament reconciliation a celebration?

You are celebrating God forgiving your sins.

3. Name some selfish attitudes which lead to selfish actions that might be confessed, for example, greed leads to stealing.

Gossiping leads to untrue rumours
Jealousy leads to back stabbing

4. List the feelings associated with sin and its consequences (e.g: guilt, alienation, loneliness) 


5. What are some of the consequences of sin?

Separation form your loved ones
Sin can be harmful to others

6. Does everyone have a conscience? What is it?

Yes, a conscience is what makes you think twice abut your actions before you do so.

7. Suggest three questions that would help someone to examine his or her conscience? 

• what are the consequences for me?
• How will this effect someone else?
• would God approve of this

Sunday, June 16, 2013


What happens when we sin?
When we sin, we don’t just break a law, we break our communion, our unity with God. But we also break our communion with the Church.

When did Reconciliation begin?
in 1215
Why do we confess to a priest?
Is because the bible says states that he will forgive our sins.

Why do we need to confess out loud?
But by confessing our sins out loud, we take “responsibility for them, and thereby open [ourselves] again to God and to the communion of the Church in order to make a new future possible”

What is a contrite heart?
Someone who is deeply sorry, someone who feels guilty and wants to make the situation right.
Look up definitions for mortal and venial sins?
Mortal- a "big" sin, a serious violation of God's law.
 Venial- a "small' sin, a less serious violation of God's law.
What does it mean to be 'out of communion?"
Is when the bond between you and God has been broken.

Can a priest tell anyone about your confessed Sin? Explain?
A priest can not use the information or knowledge of the sin to anyone. It's called a 'sacramental seal 'because “what the penitent has made known to a priest remains “sealed” by the sacrament



Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bible Reading Questions

Question 1- Who, What, When, About?

Jesus and the people around him, Jesus crossed the lake to help cure people, Walking by the lake, He is around the lake and talking to people.

Question 2- Why was the lady courageous

Because she knew she was sick and believed in Jesus. She took the chance of touching him to cure herself

How did she show her faith?

 By believing in him and seeking him out to touch him

Why was Jesus compassionate?

Because he knew that she had faith and was very sick. He wanted to show that he  knew what she had done and hoped she was okay. He was awarding her faith towards him.

Question 3- How did the groups of people differ in the two stories?

The lady was a common person but in the other story it is the religious leaders daughter.

Did Jesus care about 'social status'?

No he cared for all people poor or rich, if they needed help he would help them.

How can we apply this message (see judge act) in our life.

By doing the same, caring for others no matter what social status.