Sunday, February 24, 2013


Lesson 2-

Why do humans like stories?
Humankind is addicted to stories. No matter our mood, in reverie or expectation, panic or peace, we can be found stringing together incidents, and unfolding episodes. We turn our pain into narrative so we can bear it; we turn our ecstasy into narrative so we can prolong it. We tell our stories to live.

How are Bible Stories different to modern stories?
The Bible’s stories are told quite differently from those in modern novels and short fiction. In the Bible, the writing style is spare, unembellished. Only a few details are provided, and much information is inferred or even omitted.
What is the significance of location in Adam &Eve and story of Jonah?
In the story of Adam and Eve (Genesis 2), the Garden of Eden is not only a physical place but a way of life. It symbolizes the simplicity and innocence of Adam and Eve’s life before the fall.
What does the term ˜poetic justice€™ mean, why does the bible use it in the stories?

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